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964 lines
Version 1.8
(C)1991 Carl J. Hafner ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
OCULTAR [o-cool-tar'],va. 1. To hide,to conceal,
to disguise. to secrete, to mask, to hoodwink, to
cloak. 2. To keep back,to keep secret what ought
to be said.
The author cannot be responsible for any damage to your equipment, other
software or hardware products or mental or physical well being caused by
the use, misuse, abuse or inability to use this program. The author also
makes No Guarantee as to the compatibility of this program with other
software or hardware products.
Using this program means that you understand and agree with the terms
just explained. If you do not agree, DO NOT use this program.
NOTE:This program DOES NOT provide TOTAL security against hackers. I
don't believe ANY system is TOTALLY secure and given a few hours
I'm sure someone could break the encryption algorithm for this
program. This program simply provides a deterrent for your nosy
friends or fellow employees who may have only a limited time to
try to get in. Of course the more obscure you make the password,
the harder it is for them to figure it out.
or have obtained this copy from a Public Domain or Shareware
distributor (basically if you haven't received a registered
copy directly from the author).
You are free to copy and distribute this program as long as the files...
are included, are NOT MODIFIED in ANY way, and NO FEE of ANY TYPE is
incurred upon the recipient.
This program is SHAREWARE. If after trying it you decide it is of use to
you, you are asked to register for a nominal fee. You may register by
using either the enclosed REGISTER.DOC, or by filling out the required
information on a blank sheet of paper and mailing it in. All documents
included with this program are saved in ASCII format and may be printed
out directly from the desktop.
If you are a
If you have sent in your Registration Form and have
received your own REGISTERED copy of Ocultar...
You ARE NOT free to make copies of this program for ANYONE other than
yourself or family members who may have access to the computer(s) you are
using in your home. If you are using this program in a work environment
you are asked to ensure that NO copies of this program are made by either
friends, colleagues or clients.
Allowing distribution of the registered program is a violation of your
registration agreement and will result in the instant revocation of your
registration. You will not be eligible for updates and will not be
eligible to register again.
By registering your copy you are stating that you understand and agree
with the terms just explained. If you do not agree, DO NOT use this
ALL registered users will receive notification of updates as they become
available and will receive those updates at a substantially reduced
fee. The update fee is to cover the cost of the disk and the postage and
handling. No additional fee will be charged for the program itself.
1) Setting Up
a) The AUTO folder\auto booting
a) The Ocultar folder OR root drive ?
b) Logging on
a) Logging on
a) An explanation
a) About...
b) Desk accessories
Creating\Deleting a password
Visible\Hidden password files
Finding\deleting hidden files
Setting Search Display speed
Alert options\saving configuration
a) Sound
b) Alerts
c) Accessories
d) Search Display
a) Changing screen colours (colour only)
b) Changing desktop patterns
c) Saving configuration\alerts
a) Backdoor Passwords
b) Intruder Alerts
c) Saving configuration
d) Running Ocultar
Ocultar works in LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH resolution with the exception of
OCULTARC.PRG, the password installation part of the program. This part
of Ocultar only works in MED and HIGH resolution. Since it is only
needed to install the password it is not necessary to have it work
in LOW resolution. The part of the program which provides security
for your system works in LOW, MED and HIGH resolution. Ocultar will
work on both a floppy disk and a hard disk.
To use Ocultar you must first install it on your "boot" disk or drive.
This is generally (but not always) the drive from which you load your
You will first need to create a folder named AUTO (if you don't already
have one) on the "boot" disk or drive you are booting from. This will
most often be drive A or C. The AUTO folder contains programs which
load and\or run automatically whenever you turn on your computer.
If you are using a hard disk which is self-booting your AUTO folder
will generally be placed directly after the hard disk driver file.
If you have a hard disk which is NOT self booting then you probably
have an AUTO folder on a disk in drive A. This AUTO folder would contain
a hard disk driver program ie: AHDI.PRG.
a) The AUTO folder\auto booting
There are some programs which MAY need to be run before OCULTARA.PRG
ie: AHDI.PRG (the hard disk driver). These are generally programs which
tell your computer about the setup you are using and are considered
system files. These programs should be run BEFORE OCULTARA.PRG to
ensure that your computer is set up to receive information properly.
If it is NOT necessary for you to use any of these "system" files
then you should make OCULTARA.PRG the VERY FIRST program in your
AUTO folder. OCULTARA.PRG is completely independent and does NOT
require any auto-booting help. To ensure that OCULTARA.PRG is the
VERY first file in your AUTO folder you can do the following.
First, copy EVERYTHING out of your AUTO folder to a safe place.
Next, erase everything from your AUTO folder, BUT FIRST make sure
you have backup copies of EVERYTHING on the same disk as your AUTO
folder. This will protect you from accidently erasing a valuable
file. Lastly, copy OCULTARA.PRG into your empty AUTO folder,
followed by the rest of your AUTO programs.
REMEMBER !!! If it is necessary to have "system" files run before
OCULTARA.PRG then copy those files into your AUTO folder first !
As mentioned earlier, OCULTARA.PRG is completely independent.
It does not require programs such as STARTGEM or HEADSTART to
operate. If you are using TOS 1.4 or above it is NOT necessary
to create an auto-booting DESKTOP.INF file for OCULTARA.PRG.
Merely place OCULTARA.PRG in your AUTO folder as close to first
as is possible.
Allowing other files or programs (which IS possible) to control
OCULTARA.PRG increases the likelihood of OCULTARA.PRG being
circumvented. Allowing other AUTO programs such as a mouse
accelerator or a replacement file selector to run before
OCULTARA.PRG also increases the possibilities of overriding
If you are using a program like Gordon Moores's "SuperBoot"
(C)Gordon W. Moore then it will be necessary to inform such a
program to the existence of OCULTARA.PRG so that it doesn't
disable it. Check the manuals of any such program for further
A typical setup might look like one of these...
OCULTACC.ACC is designed to intercept any attempts at bypassing
the hard disk AUTO folder through the use of a floppy disk with an
AUTO folder containing a hard disk driver. This feature should
be considered carefully before using.
As you may or may not know, it IS possible to bypass the hard disk
driver and AUTO folder using a special floppy. The floppy disk would
contain an AUTO folder with a hard disk driver inside of it,
ie: AHDI.PRG. If you place this floppy disk in drive A and hold
down the ALTERNATE key when the drive light comes on, your computer
will bypass the hard disk AUTO folder and hard disk driver.
(If you are using Supra's software then holding down the CONTROL
SHIFT and ALTERNATE keys will bypass the hard drive.)
The catch which OCULTACC.ACC takes advantage of is that the
hard disk driver program in drive A generally loads ALL active
accessories on drive C before going to the desktop. NOTE: If you
bypass the hard disk with the ALT key and don't have a hard disk
driver program on drive A, then you will not (in most cases)
have access to your hard disk.
When\if OCULTARA.PRG finds OCULTACC.ACC, it renames it OCULTACC.PRG.
This prevents OCULTACC from intercepting the accessory load.
At the end of your session, either rename OCULTACC.PRG as
OCULTACC.ACC, or _run_ OCULTACC.PRG, and it will rename itself.
If OCULTARA.PRG is bypassed by a floppy disk, it cannot rename
OCULTACC.ACC. OCULTACC.ACC will intercept the floppy disk bypass
with a LOGON prompt. It will not allow you to proceed until you enter
the correct password. You will have a couple of chances to enter the
correct password before OCULTACC.ACC completely locks you out. You
will then need to reboot to continue.
CAUTION: This feature is completely optional. If you don't think
you need it, don't install it. If OCULTARA.PRG doesn't find
OCULTACC.ACC it will just continue normally.
The ALT key hard disk bypass can be VERY helpful if for some reason
your hard disk driver (on drive C) becomes corrupted and locks you
out of your hard disk. As those of you who have experienced this
problem will attest to, accessing a corrupted driver on drive C
to delete it can be a major headache. Having OCULTACC.ACC present
when this happens (hopefully it never will, but...) will only
complicate things.
Generally you only have a limited time to access drive C to remove
the corrupted file before your computer crashes. OCULTACC.ACC will
use valuable time stalling you when you need it least.
It is for this reason that I strongly recommend that you only use
OCULTACC.ACC if you feel it is necessary.
NOTE: None of the Ocultar files "hack around" with your boot disk.
Ocultar only uses standard built-in system calls.
To install OCULTACC.ACC simply copy it to the same directory from
which your other accessories are loaded. The closer it is to being
the first ACCessory to load the better the protection.
A typical setup could be...
NOTE: When registering your copy of Ocultar, be sure to include the
will not function without this password.
DISCLAIMER: Since I do not have access to all the hard disk software
programs available, there is a chance that OCULTACC.ACC
will be useless. If you find that this is the case and
would like to be able to use it anyway, please send me
as much information about the way your hard disk and it's
software operates. I will make every attempt to rewrite
OCULTACC.ACC so that it works with your setup.
Generally, if your hard disk bypass scans drive C, then
OCULTACC.ACC will be activated.
SEE ALSO: ODDS AND ENDS, Backdoor Passwords
a) The Ocultar folder OR root drive ?
OCULTARA.PRG will look for OCULTARB.PRG in two places. First it will
look in the "root" directory of your boot drive (ie: A:\*.*). If it
doesn't find it there it will next look for a folder named
OCULTAR.1_8. It will then look for OCULTARB.PRG within that folder.
If it can't find OCULTARB.PRG in either place then it will inform
you that it is proceeding WITHOUT password protection.
It is completely up to you to decide which of these places to use.
Personally I hate cluttered directories and would opt for the folder
in the same directory to work. OCULTARA.PRG's purpose is to instruct
OCULTARB.PRG to decrypt your password file. OCULTARB.PRG is encrypted
itself and WILL not work from an AUTO folder.
NOTE: If you are using TOS 1.4 or above you should still have
OCULTARA.PRG run OCULTARB.PRG. Although you should be able to
run OCULTARB.PRG through a DESKTOP.INF file, doing so would keep
OCULTARA.PRG from renaming OCULTACC.ACC. If you do not use
OCULTARA.PRG and have OCULTACC.ACC present, then OCULTACC.ACC will run.
b) Logging On.
After running, OCULTARB.PRG will present you with a LOGON screen.
It will prompt you to "Choose LOGON preferences". You have the option
of either logging on <V>isibly, which allows you to see the password
as you type it in, or <I>nvisible, which DOES NOT allow you to see
the password as you type it in. Enter either an I or a V.
You will now be prompted to LOGON, or enter your password. You can
enter either the password you have created with OCULTARC.PRG or
your MAIN ACCESS BACKDOOR PASSWORD (if you have requested one).
You will be given a couple of tries at entering your password. If you
fail to enter a valid password, then the INTRUDER ALERT will activate
and WILL NOT go away until you reboot your computer.
If you have entered the correct password then the program will allow
you to proceed.
NOTE: Be SURE to include the BOOT BACKDOOR PASSWORD (if any) you
would like when registering your copy.
SEE ALSO: ODDS AND ENDS, Backdoor Passwords.
a) Logging On
same directory in order to work. It is not necessary to have
OCULTAR.INF present for the program to work (although you may
want to use it).
OCULTARC.PRG now runs completely independent of all other Ocultar
setup restrictions. What this means is that you can keep OCULTARC.PRG
anywhere. Earlier versions left it vulnerable to unauthorized
access. This current version can be kept on a floppy disk, locked
in the deepest darkest dungeon where no one can get at it to try
and change your password. Double-click on OCULTARC.PRG to load it.
The first thing to appear if you have not configured an OCULTAR.INF
file (and are using a colour monitor) will be a Colour Configuration
Parameters screen. You will be asked if you are using an ST or an
STe. Choosing <A> will configure the programs colours for compatibility
with an ST. Choosing <B> will configure the colours for an STe. Choosing
<C> Neither will configure the colours for an ST (which is always a
safe bet).
The STe allows more colours in MED resolution than an ST. If you have
an ST and specify STe then there is a good chance that the screen will
go black. The program tries it's best to determine the difference, but
is occasionally incorrect. When you save an OCULTAR.INF file this
information is included. The next time you load you will not get this
screen (unless an OCULTAR.INF file is absent).
This minor inconvenience will be remedied in a future version of
Ocultar. Using a properly configured OCULTAR.INF file will avert
this peculiarity.
The next thing to appear will be an optional LOGON screen. This
screen works in the EXACT same way as the one contained in OCULTARB.PRG.
If you do not want this screen then leave the MAIN PROGRAM ACCESS
PASSWORD line blank on the registration form.
If you have specified in your OCULTAR.INF file that the programs
sounds remain off, then the first prompt will ask you if you would
like them back on. Enter either <Y>es or <N>o to continue. If
OCULTAR.INF specifies that the sounds remain on then this prompt
will not appear.
Next you will be asked if you would like to LOGON <V>isibly or
<I>nvisibly. Entering V will allow you to see your password as you
enter it. Entering I will not let you see the password as you enter it.
Enter your MAIN PROGRAM ACCESS PASSWORD to proceed. You will have
several tries before the INTRUDER ALERT locks you out. The only
way to stop the ALERT is to reboot your computer.
you would like when sending in your registration. If you do
not specify one then the aforementioned screen will not
appear. You (or anyone else) will have direct access to the
password creation part of the program.
SEE ALSO: ODDS AND ENDS, Backdoor Passwords
SEE ALSO: ODDS AND ENDS, Saving configuration
( 6 ) MENUS
a) An explanation
After the Access Password has been correctly entered and accepted
the remainder of the program will load. You will at this point be
presented with the Main program display. This consists of a menu bar
for selecting the functions of Ocultar.
a) About...
This selection allows you to determine the current version number
and copyright information.
b) Desk Accessories
The desk accessories are disabled at this point. If you need to use
an accessory select "Accessories" from under the Options menu. This
will allow you access to your desk accessories while at the same time
locking out the Password and Search functions of Ocultar.
Certain accessories have been found to have an adverse affect on
the Password and Search function, if activated at the same time.
It is for this reason that you cannot use an accessory at the
same time as the Password or Search function.
To return to Ocultar simply select the Accessories option again.
This will restore you to the original setup.
( 8 ) FILE
Creating\Deleting a password
Visible\Hidden password files.
To create or delete a password file you must first select "Password"
from the FILE menu. A special Password box will then appear.
If the cursor is on the right side of the password line, simply hit
the ESC key on your computer. This will return it to the left side.
Enter a password of from 0 to 11 keyboard characters. Do not enter
any Control characters as the program does not understand these,
and therefore not save them.
Next click on a drive letter directly below the password line.
Clicking on "A" will open a fileselector to drive "A". Clicking
on "C" will similarly open a fileselector to drive "C". Clicking
on "?" will open a box with helpful on-screen hints. Click on the
drive letter in which you wish to install your password.
Use the fileselector to set the path to which you wish to write
your password. OCULTARB.PRG will search in 3 places for it's
password file (OCULTARB.RSC)...
A:\*.* or C:\*.* - the root directory.
A:\AUTO\*.* or C:\AUTO\*.* - your AUTO folder
A:\OCULTAR.1_8\*.* or C:\OCULTAR.1_8\*.* - the Ocultar folder
Use the fileselector to set one of these paths and then click on
OKAY in the fileselector. DO NOT click on any files or type in any
filenames as this is not necessary.
After clicking on OKAY the "Path" box directly below the drive letters
will contain your desired path (which should be one of the ones
just mentioned). If it isn't, click on the drive letter again to
reset the desired path.
Next click on either the Visible, Hidden or Delete button. If you
select, say, hidden, and change your mind...pick another button.
None of your choices register within the program until you click
on the OKAY button in the Password box.
VISIBLE: Creates a visible password file named OCULTARB.RSC
in the path specified in the "Path" box.
INVISIBLE: Creates an invisible password file named OCULTARB.RSC
in the path specified in the "Path" box.
DELETE: Deletes any OCULTARB.RSC file (hidden or visible) within
the path specified in the "Path" box.
********* Ocultar first opens up the OCULTARB.RSC file you wish
to delete and then fills it with garbage. After this
it proceeds to delete the file. This is why it may seem
to take a little longer to delete then is normal,
(especially on floppy disks).
When a file is deleted it is merely marked in your
disk's FAT (file allocation table) table as being gone.
In reality the information remains on the disk intact,
until another file over-writes it. Even after it has
been deleted it is still possible to either restore
that file, or view it's contents using a sector editor.
Using Ocultar's Password delete makes this information
useless to anyone trying to restore the password file
or see inside of it. This ONLY applies to THIS delete
feature. Deleting a hidden file with the SEARCH feature
still leaves the original information intact.
Once your choices are made, click on OKAY in the Password box to
engage your instructions. Clicking on Cancel (or hitting <RETURN>)
will completely clear all choices made in the Password box. Clicking
on Exit will exit the password box and return you to the Menus.
CAUTION: DO NOT reorganize a disk drive without first deleting all
hidden password files. If you do, the remaining files will
appear as lost-clusters, or allocated clusters not in files.
The author CANNOT assume liability for loss of data or damage
to data that may result from such actions.
Finding\deleting hidden files
Setting Search Display
Start by selecting SEARCH from the FILE menu. A special SEARCH
box will then appear.
Clicking on "Select Drive to Search" will call up an alert box
which will allow you to regulate the speed at which the "Search
Display" is presented on the menu bar. This feature will ONLY
work if you have selected "Search Display" from the options
menu. A similar box will appear after selecting "Search Display"
from the options menu. The choices are FAST, MED and SLOW.
SEE ALSO: OPTIONS, Search Display - for further details
Click on a drive letter to initiate a search of ALL directories
within that drive. Ocultar will search for ANY file which is
hidden, not just Ocultar files.
If Ocultar finds a hidden file it will present you with an
additional box. This box contains the drive letter, the folder
and hidden file which was found. Ocultar will only present you
with the name of the folder directly preceeding the hidden
file. If you have a hidden file in the directory...
then the display will read as...
Drive: C
Folder: FOLDER4
Hidden File: HIDDEN.TXT.
If the file is located at C:\HIDDEN.TXT, then the display will
read as...
Drive: C
Folder: C:
Hidden File: HIDDEN.TXT
Folder: C: denoting the root drive.
You have the option now of SKIPPING this file and resuming the
Search, DELETING the hidden file and resuming the Search or
EXITING the search mode all together.
Once the Search mode has been ended, Ocultar will inform you that
there are no, or no more, hidden files to find. You will then be
returned to the first Search Box.
Disk drives which are currently not active within your system will
be "grayed out". Clicking on "?" will call up an additional on-
screen help box. Clicking on CANCEL will close the box and return
you to the menu choices.
** CAUTION ** If you are using NeoDesk, -DO NOT- use Ocultar to
consult your NeoDesk manual for details on how to
delete these invisible files !!!
Similarly, consult the manual for ANY other program
which creates invisible files as to the conditions
governing the deletion of these files.
The author cannot assume ANY liability for loss of
data or damage to data that may arise from the use
of this feature. It is YOUR resonsibility to be
familiar with the operation of other such programs.
This feature was designed primarily to help you find
hidden Ocultar files in the event you created one in
an unusual place and have lost it (or were unaware
that you had done this).
* c) QUIT
Alert options\saving configuration
Clicking on Quit under the FILE menu will present an additional
"Save current Ocultar configuration" alert box. Ocultar saves Colour,
Desktop pattern, ST or STe information, Sound, Alerts and Search
Display options to a file named OCULTAR.INF. Every time you run
Ocultar it is capable of loading your own user preferences from
this file.
Select either Yes or No. -DO NOT- select Reload at this time.
Reload should ONLY be used when customizing the screen display.
SEE ALSO: HIDDEN FEATURES, Changing screen colours
Next an alert box will ask if you really want to Quit Ocultar.
Select either Yes or No.
a) Sound
This turns the programs custom sounds on and off. This information
is saved to the OCULTAR.INF file. A check mark next to the name
indicates that this function is currently active.
b) Alerts
This enables additional prompts and alerts which allow you to know
more of what's going on to be activated. A check mark next to the
name indicates that this function is currently active.
c) Accessories
This allows you to access your desk accessories. Click on Accessories
to activate your accessories and again to deactivate them. A check
mark next to the name indicates that this function is currently
SEE ALSO: OCULTAR, Desk Accessories
d) Search Display
This activates a visual display on the menu bar of any searches
which take place while using the "Search" option under the FILE
menu. After clicking on it an alert box will appear. You have
the option of setting the visual display speed to FAST, MEDium or
SLOW. The next time you search for a hidden file a display of the
search will appear on the meu bar. You can now also alter the
speed of the display by clicking on the "Select Drive to Search"
button within the "Search" box. Clicking on Search Display under
the Options menu again will deactivate the feature. A check mark
will appear on the menu if this option is currently active. This
information is also saved to the OCULTAR.INF file as one of your
Note: These are features I used while designing the program and just
decided to leave in in case you wanted to play with them. These
features are saved as part of your OCULTAR.INF preferences.
a) Changing Screen Colours (colour systems only)
b) Changing Desktop patterns
Hold down the RIGHT mouse button for 2 seconds, or until you hear
a "beep", then let go. An alert box will prompt you to pick a
desktop PATTERN , either 2 or 3, or EXIT. Pick 2 or 3 to change
to a new pattern. The current pattern settings will appear on the
top right of the menu bar. Click the RIGHT mouse button to change
the screens colours (in colour only) from black, to blue, to red
and back again. Click the LEFT mouse button to return to the alert
When you choose EXIT, the "Save Configuration" alert will appear.
Select either Yes or No; or RELOAD to return to the programs default
settings (or your originally loaded preferences).
To change (just) the patterns REGISTER (or pattern palette) hold down
the left mouse button and then the right mouse button at the same time.
Wait about 2 seconds, or until you hear a beep, and then let go.
Incidently, this is the same as pressing BOTH mouse buttons
simultaneously, something I'm not that adept at doing consistently.
An alert box will appear prompting you to pick either REGISTER 2
or 3. After selecting one of the buttons you can again scroll
through the colours (in colour only) using the RIGHT mouse button.
You cannot change the patterns here. You can only choose either
2 or 3. Click on EXIT to exit and the "Save Configuration" box will
again appear.
You CAN of course accomplish the same thing in the PATTERN (right
mouse) box. This box however doesn't scroll the pattern. If you have
say PATTERN 1,2,1 and click on 3 in the PATTERN box, you'll get
PATTERN 1,3,2. If you have PATTERN 1,2,1 and click on 3 in the REGISTER
box you'll get PATTERN 1,3,1.
The first number is the colour (colour only). The second number is the
pattern register. The third number is the pattern. Register 2 goes from
2,1 to 2,24. Register 3 goes from 3,1 to 3,12.
For those of you who are programmers, imagine the name DEFFILL
instead of Fill Pattern on the Menu Bar.
a) Backdoor Passwords
A backdoor password is a password which is ALWAYS accepted by the
program, no matter what your current password is. It does not
nullify the password you have created. The password you create
with Ocultar is JUST AS VALID as the backdoor. The Backdoor
password is written directly into the code of the program and is
then encrypted. You will not be able to change it yourself.
The Backdoor Password lets you bypass the current password in
the event you have forgotten the password or someone has changed
it on you.
* OCULTARB.PRG and OCULTARC.PRG have the OPTION of having a
* backdoor password installed. If you don't want one, leave that
* line blank on the registration form.
The Backdoor password is not restricted to the 11 characters used
by OCULTARC.PRG. You can make it as long and complicated (or simple)
as you like. A typical backdoor password could be YOUNG ONES or
&&(%Ttfreda_eats_flies_=+~. It's up to you. PLEASE be VERY SPECIFIC
when entering this information on the registration form. As I've
mentioned, this password is written directly into the code of the
program and then encrypted. You will not be able to change it
OCULTARB.PRG is the BOOT PROGRAM, the program which lets you
access your disk. Enter the OCULTARB.PRG BOOT PASSWORD on the line
BOOT BACKDOOR PASSWORD ____ (or leave it blank for none)
OCULTARC.PRG is the MAIN PASSWORD installation program, used for
the line...
MAIN PROGRAM ACCESS PASSWORD ____ (or leave it blank for none)
OCULTACC.ACC is the Accessory\ALT key bypass interceptor. It WILL
NOT work without a Password. Enter the OCULTACC.ACC Password on
the line...
ACCESSORY BACKDOOR PASSWORD ____ (otherwise one will be supplied)
If you find that your system has been compromised ( if someone has
learned your backdoor password or broken the encryption algorithm )
I will be happy to change the password(s) and\or encryption algorithm
for your copy of the program. The only donation I would ask is that
you include enough return postage. That's it.
Be sure to include your original Ocultar Master Disk and a note
explaining your situation. Please list CAREFULLY and ACCURATELY the
new password(s) you would like and if you feel you need a different
encryption algorithm.
NOTE: The more obscure you make the password, the harder it is to
figure out. For example, the password AAAAAAA is alot easier
to figure out then &ha~~-y75&.
b) Intruder Alert
If a VALID password is not entered within 3 tries, then the Intruder
Alert will take over. It warns of intrusion by flashing the screens
colours and sounding a siren type sound. It CAN NOT be stopped unless
you reboot the computer.
c) Saving configuration
The "Save Configuration" box is accessible either by Quitting, or by
holding down the RIGHT mouse button. When the pattern box appears,
choose EXIT. The Save Configuration box will then appear.
The desktop colours and pattern, ST or STe information, sound status,
alert status and search display status will all be saved to the file
If you want to alter the ST\STe information it will be necessary to
disable OCULTAR.INF by renaming it OCULTAR.INX (or anything other
than OCULTAR.INF) or removing it from OCULTARC's directory.
When you run OCULTARC, it will prompt you for the ST\STe information.
Set your preferences both here, and within the main program, and then
save a new configuration file. The default setting is for an ST.
d) Running Ocultar
This is probably redundant, but it looks sort of empty without this
short note. Once all Ocultar files are in place in accordance with
the guidelines of this document, re-boot your computer. Follow the
prompts as described in this document to access your system (depending
on which Ocultar files you are using, OCULTACC.ACC being optional
and all).
Your setup should resemble something like this...
The Random Character Generator is included with these files to assist
you in creating either an OCULTARC password OR a Backdoor Password.
Even though RANDMGEN.PRG's maximum number of characters is 31 ( an
arbitrary number) remember, your backdoor password(s) can be AS MANY
or as little characters as you desire.
DO NOT allow OCULTARA.PRG to be run by anything other than itself. If
you are using SuperBoot, DO NOT configure your function keys to accept
OCULTARA.PRG. Instead, use the "Hide Files from SuperBoot" option
contained within that program and "Hide" OCULTARA.PRG from SuperBoot.
Consult your SuperBoot manual for more details.
OCULTARA.PRG uses VERY little memory (5,120 bytes) and releases it
IMMEDIATELY after you run it. It DOES NOT require any autobooting
programs such as STARTGEM or HEADSTART to operate.
OCULTARC.PRG requires less than 50K of free memory to run. Why not
leave it as an accessory you say ? As an accessory it required more
memory and since you don't need it ALL the time...also,encrypted
accessories are difficult to install...not to mention additional
any extra memory from your system. They run and then they go away.
If installed, OCULTACC.ACC uses up about 25K of memory. It WILL
NOT appear on your menu register.
( 12 ) CREDITS
Written in GFA Basic 3.07 (C)1988 GFA Systemtechnik
SuperBoot is (C)1990,1991 Gordon W. Moore
NeoDesk,NEODESK.DAT & TRASHCAN.DAT (C)1988,89,90,91 Gribnif Software
Supra is a trademark of Supra Corporation
Ocultar & Random Character Generator are (C)1990,1991 Carl J. Hafner
StartGem & Headstart are Public Domain Utilities.
AHDI.PRG,TOS,ST,STe (C) Atari Corporation
Please feel free to send along any suggestions or ideas for features
you would like to see added. Please also list any possible bugs you
may have found.
UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED...all registered versions of Ocultar will
be sent on a DOUBLE-SIDED floppy disk.
If you are using a single-sided drive, and inadvertently receive a
double-sided disk (which won't work on your system), send it back.
I will replace it with a single-sided disk.
Carl J. Hafner
RD 2, Box 184C
Hawley, PA. 18428
CompuServe: 71510,431
Thank You for your interest and support, both nationally AND
internationally, and most of all for supporting the SHAREWARE concept !
Uncle Carl